Sunday, July 17, 2005

ian tai presents: the ladykiller.

i know you're feeling grief-stricken after the crash,
but now that he's dead, we can take all the cash;
we can go to mexico and do acapulco bay,
for sun, sea, surf and a roll in the hay.
we can leave the kids behind with the sitter at home,
or we can pack them up and ship them to rome.
but never mind them, baby, when do we leave?
we need fun in the sun; it's quite passe to grieve.

i can apply lotion to the small of your back,
we'll sip pina coladas and snort some crack.
if you like fresh oysters, we can get them too;
but don't forget, dear, that the bills're on you.
i know you're feeling lonely, but i'm still here,
and we don't have to hide, or even frolic in fear.
think of it this way: we'll live life to the hilt;
i cut the brake line...please don't feel any guilt.

i know you love the kids, and i love them, too;
but relax a little, babe...this break is for you.
you're a beautiful woman, and i'm a wonderful man;
we're blissful together, so let's get a tan!
please don't mind the knife that i've packed in the bag;
it's for cutting apples...or grapefruits...or fags.
acapulco bay, babe, our month in the son;
please don't mind me getting the return ticket for one.


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