Sunday, July 10, 2005

KL Menjerit.

Young Malay males are stupid and lazy. That’s why they decide to spend their weekend nights hanging around in groups while oogling over each others kapchais; not like young stupid and lazy Chinese males, who spend their weekend nights clubbing and hanging around mamaks doing nothing in particular. The aforementioned Malay males fantasize about being the next Valentino Rossi; the speed at which they ride at is a testament to that. Also, the fact that they ride in packs, whiz by motorists like mosquitoes and swerve in and out of traffic often makes one wonder if the riders have some sort of death wish. Let’s not forget the various motocross tricks; we’ve all seen a rider try to pull off a Superman or at least a wheelie.

Silly, silly Malays.

I never understood the reasoning behind having a pillion rider when speeding on a kapchai. Doesn’t that make the bike heavier? Although it might add some downforce, I don’t see how it enhances the aerodynamicism of the bike in total. And I don’t understand young Malay love. I suppose that “love” denotes popping your girlfriend as the pillion rider and speeding away. I’m pretty sure it gives her some sort of rush (or flush), but the fact that you’d want to endanger anyone else but yourself…most especially your “awek”…I don’t understand it at all.

Silly, stupid fucking Malays.

It’s good to know that the urban Malay youth of today are behind the Malay youth of yesteryear. Yeah, I know…this whole generation of Malaysians has gone to the shits. But unlike the Chinese, who work their asses off, or the Indians, who have everything to lose, mostly everything’s been laid out in front of our Bumiputera brothers.

Find a track to race on, for fuck’s sake. Stupid, silly, fucking Malays.

I’m not being racist. But seriously; I’d rather die with four wheels beneath me than no wheels when I fly off the bike. There’re some things that we do that lack rationality, and those are okay. Being a total idiot and wanting to risk your life for cheap thrills isn’t worth it…and if you’d really want to tempt the reaper, at least don’t endanger someone else with you.


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