Drainage Duty.
Don't chide me for a lack of original material...what follows is an e-mail message I've just sent to a friend (which has failed to be delivered); I thought that it'd make some light reading, so...here it is. Also, I'm turning word verification on. Apparently it helps in getting rid of unwanted comments (the spamful ones). Since nobody reads this crap, it shouldn't be that hard. Enjoy!----------------------------------------------------I’m not claustrophobic. At least I don’t think I am. Earlier this evening, when playing football, I accidentally kicked the ball into this drainage area; basically, it’s a drain that cascades downwards into this small pool of water, and then this water gets transported down a narrow chute which crosses beneath the road to the other side. Usually, the ball would be kicked into the area on the other side, making it a lot easier to extract (as the drain continually descends into another small pool of water).
However, in my case, the ball found its way through the narrow chute, caught in the middle and underneath the road. Not a lot of fun. I tried fitting inside the chute (I barely fit) and realized that I couldn’t rescue the poor ball. I had to get home and grab one of the long bamboo sticks that my family once used to hang clothes upon.
I then went back down into the chute, squatting, and with the stick in my hand. I slowly inched my way towards the ball, and tried to roll the ball back with extending the stick to the maximum length that I could. It didn’t work; after a few attempts, I was gently wading the water behind it to flow slightly forwards, pushing it further down the chute. I then had to go down on my hands and knees…what choice did I have? It saved time, and it made things a lot easier.
Though that smell…….ewwwww.
Once I finally returned the ball to the field, there was no applause. There were no cheers, no fanfare. Nobody even said “thank you”. Life returned to normal, and the ball was kicked around, it’s heroic savior drenched in drain-doo and odors. And to add to it all, I’m also sick at the moment…I was sick before the ball got kicked into the trench, and I’m still sick despite having taken a Panadol. My phlegm has that “heaty” yellow/red tinge to it. I thought that I felt better this morning, but, alas…it hasn’t improved.
Speaking of which, I woke up at half past dawn today and played video games for the majority of the morning and afternoon. Then some friends came over and I was soundly thrashed (and thrashing them) over a few rounds of FIFA. I love weekends, though I really should start catching up on reading (though at the back of my head, I know that it’s something I do exclusively during weekdays).
So here I am, at home, on a Saturday night. I crave a Double Cheeseburger from the Golden Arches, yet I don’t really understand why. Pickles, I guess. I love the pickles that they put in the burgers…my view is that they just wouldn’t do without them, though the majority of the people I know dislike the taste. What’s your view on it? I guess that it’s somewhat of an acquired taste, though I can’t understand why it isn’t the default preference for most of my friends.
Oh, well.
To pickles.
Flags, food and flabbergastation.
I’ve been staying in Malaysia for over a decade. I’d like to say that this country has been good to me, and in many ways, it has. I suppose that there’re things that I’d change if I had the power to do so, but I can at least say that life here isn’t as bad as most locals would make it out to be.
Maybe there’s some kind of resentment towards the fact that KL’s a sleepy town. Some people who’ve stayed “overseas” (e.g. Australia) for sporadic periods of time tend to find KL ill-fitting to their plans. Others would rant on about the lack of personal liberties that the Government has deprived its citizens of. To some people, Malaysia, as a whole, is the world’s most inefficient bureaucracy (though I can vouch for that).
I’m not saying that I outright love this country, but I’ve been enjoying the stay so far. The food is good…it’s still arguably cheaper than what you’d find overseas. Fuel is affordable (though it’s on a rampant rise). The climate is bearable (once you get used to it). We’ve got three major races living in quiet resentment of each other, but never publicly displaying any disrespect (though…how is that a good thing?). Yeah. There’re a lot of things that’re good about this place. But that doesn’t necessarily mean I’d be willing to do anything for it.
One thing I always scorned was the fact that Malaysian terrestrial television had the knack of airing these incredibly tacky propagandist music videos. The videos were poorly shot, and the songs were just…well, let’s look at it this way. You’ve got a marching beat and lyrics waxing lyrical about how great the cyber age is. Let’s not forget the amorous relationship we were supposed to have with I.T.; in its bid to make people more aware towards the benefits of information technology, no other than Malaysia’s premier songbird, Siti Nurhaliza (to her credit, she does look cute even though she’s got a large forehead area) was roped in amongst a bunch of faceless vocalists to spread the love.
This whole propagandist thing didn’t really touch me at all. It didn’t sicken me. It was more of a feeling of cynical amusement. You can’t get Malaysians to be patriotic. We already are.
I never thought that I’d be roped in into a situation which would reek of the same disenchanted spirit of patriotism I’d encountered on the idiot box.
That was until Tuesday.
Previously, on the Ian Tai Show:
Lena called me on Friday evening, asking if I was able to make it on Tuesday to be a part of the Perhimpunan Patriotik 2005 (loosely translated into “The Patriotic Gathering 2005”). It was going to take place in Cyberjaya. She couldn’t find anyone else to come, which is why she called me, her BIZ Council protégé. I had to agree, I mean....I’m just nice that way, y’know? Hou Hong, the Accounting Club’s president, was also brought along for the ride. The rules were this: we were to only wear black pants and black shoes, while a t-shirt would be provided (I should’ve already balked at that last nugget of information).
So, I arrived at college at the appointed time of 8:30 in the morning. Max, from the DSA, was there, and he handed me the t-shirt, which was akin to those badminton shirts that our players wear each time they participate in a tournament. I felt icky. I went to the toilet to change, and figured that the collar was really tight. I made a comment about this to Max, and he suggested unbuttoning the collar the next time round. Oops.
This guy called Chris came along for the ride as well, as he was dragged in from the A-Levels side of things. So, there were the three of us, huddled together in HELP’s roomy Unser (we were supposed to take the Big Red HELP Bus, but there were only three of us…I suspect that there were supposed to be a lot more), and we took the trip to Cyberjaya. We got lost once we touched ground, and started driving aimlessly around, until we found our bearings and got to the program. On the bright side, we did manage to catch Putrajaya in all its glory. I actually do think that it’s a brilliant place, but not a brilliant place to reside in. It’s a redundant oasis in the middle of an arid land.
We arrived at the Multimedia University’s multi-purpose hall. Amongst the first comments we made were why HELP couldn’t make a proper multi-purpose hall. I mean, even Taylor’s had one. And that was quite massive as well. We had arrived at about a quarter to 10, and funnily enough, we only had to be there for short while longer. The event actually started at around 8. We had arrived just in time for the winding down of the Education Minister’s speech, and for the following hour, we were treated to dikir barat presentations, choral singing, dances, poetry recitals…all in Malay.
Not good for the Ultimate Malaysian Non-Malaysian Banana.
In my opinion, the dikir barat presentation was cool. They always are, if done well. And one of the choirgirls was quite hot. But, aside from that…I didn’t really have to be there. When we were adjourned for lunch, I rushed to the toilet to take a massive wee (my bladder was suffering ever since we left HELP), and then we got our free packed lunches and returned to the college.
Later that night, the BC, AC and YE had this orientation dinner held for the new Chinese students (as in from China) who’d arrived a week before. Not a lot of fun, really. In some ways, I felt like a second-class citizen. The Chinese students may be paying through their noses, but at the same time, they get treated like academic royalty. I suppose that it’s a customer service thing, but still, it made more than a few of us uncomfortable. But all in all, it was a good show.
I can say the same about the Merdeka Food Fair the BC had yesterday. Our food was sold out, but we still had a lot of drinks that we’re going to have to sell off on another day. Special thanks to the Mad Doctor for making an appearance to buy our packed fried noodles, and for helping us finish off our soy milk. It was a good day.
Today is Thursday. I want to rest. And so, I’ll try my best not to go to college unless I’m badly needed (we still have to take down the banner that we’d hung up, because for it’s red and bare now). I want to stay at home and soak in the sun and wash my clothes. It’s been a funnily fulfilling week, even though I haven’t gone to any classes. I mean…I have done a lot. In a way.
I’m so dead.
a current state of mind.
i'm not sure how the lyrics go, and apparently there were sampled from some classic kym mazelle song, but i think they go like this:-there's a void, where there should be ecstasy.perfect.
Thump on It and You Shall Receive.
I’m not big on marching. Funny how I’ve got to do it on Tuesday, at Putrajaya, at all places. There’s some sort of college march-pass and I’m in it with Melissa. Lena called me earlier this evening and kind of begged me to go, since she really couldn’t have said anything else. Remind me to say “no” to the next strange favour I get asked for. I’ve got to wear black shoes and black slacks. I pray that I don’t stain the G2000s; I don’t want dirty pants for Tuesday’s dinner. I don’t think that I’ve got any other pants. I mean, I don’t really wear pants. I’m all about jeans. And baggy shorts. And Adidas footwear.
That’s right. Impress them with my lack of fashion. Fucking smart.
I’ve just come back from a night drive, and before that, Cristro’s. I was there with Matt, Hannah, her friend Nick (from the UK) and Chian Tyng. We were at Spicy Kitchen before that. It’s been ages since I’d gone down to Hartamas. I know that nothing would’ve changed, but it still felt somewhat nostalgic of better times. Before I had to worry about the lack of better times coming. Each trip to Hartamas only makes me feel older.
Things have changed.
When I wake up, I’m going to have to start on an assignment (which isn’t mine), finish up some Powerpoint slides and make a rough script of what the emcees are supposed to say about the clothes being featured in the fashion show for Tuesday night. Plus, there’s also the matter of providing Hou Hong the materials needed for the Shockwave presentation. The BIZ Council is going through the shits, but I’m not quite giving up on it yet. It’s just that there’re so many other things that I’d much rather be doing.
Just a random thought, but thinking back to what Nicole said when each new person may be a new experience, but how a new relationship still lies on the same old principle of needing time and energy to be invested into it…what would’ve been the big deal? I mean…not to dwell on it too much, but sometimes I wonder why she just couldn’t give it more time? I mean…
Am I the only person open to possibilities? And open to the fact that anything uncertain is a good thing as opposed to something that we’d all assume would be carved in stone? I like uncertainty…at times. Because everything after that is endless.
I guess I just like to believe that with a bit of work, everything would be okay. I mean, neglect leads to neglect. Things deteriorate without care, right? But isn’t it rewarding when something you’ve put effort into turns out good? Life’s all about things going 50-50. People should be no different. So…why do I feel like I’m the only one who understands that?
I’m giving everyone a headache. I’m sorry. I’m just in a very vulnerable place right now. That’s right: I’m hungry.
The truth? I suppose that I really want someone who could believe in everything being endless and be willing to take a chance. But in a place like this, we’re running out of people like that. And it’s just a shame that Nicole couldn’t open up to it…coz I thought that she would’ve.
My fault. My bad. My blame.
That was a long random thought.
Tomorrow will be a full day at home, trying to investigate what the Kantian and Justice ethical theories are. A patented Ian Tai Express Assignment with a difference: it won’t be for me. Should be fun, I guess.
I wish today would be the day where I’d steal the sun.
Thou Shall Not Tempt Thy Lord (but you can try in certain situations).
Hey Man…it’s been a while. I know You’re omnipresent, but let me fill You in, anyway.
I got dumped yesterday. That’s life, right? But…can You spare a dime, Lord? I went to 1 Utama yesterday to see how I could win this:-
That’s right…a brand-new Samsung SGH-E730*. I had to guess a song correctly, fill up a form, and take a photograph. Now, the problem is, the kind people at Samsung are going to award the phone to the person whom they think is the most photogenic amongst the peons.
I could use a little help here, Lord. Please. The girl I really dig has left. Just grant me this one, tiny desire. If I get the phone, I’ll quit smoking. For a long while (I was planning to quit full-time, but since I’m back at square one, I’ve decided to cut myself some slack).
Thanks, Lord. I really do owe You one. But…if I can’t get the phone…do You think it’d be possible to turn the fates in my favour so that she'd reconsider? Thanks for Your kind Consideration. And I do believe.
Amen to that.
*MP3 Player with external music control
*Bluetooth Wireless Technology
*1.3 Megapixel Camera
*Built-in 90 MB memory
(Don't Tell Her) I Still Think It'd Work.
Previously, on the Ian Tai show:
I first met Nicole a few days after last semester’s orientation. About three months ago, she saw me and said a few words. Amazingly, from those few words, I thought that she’d be cool to be with. I kept on bumping into her and worked up the courage to ask her out. Funnily enough, she agreed (mostly because she would’ve felt really bad since I was being so insistent about it), and we went out for a cuppa. After a few lunch meets and whatnot, I somehow convinced her to go out with me, this time on a much longer “date”. Then we had even more dates. We got close. One thing led to another, and I’m sure that we were bound to be heading somewhere.
But not to a crashing halt.
I suppose that not bugging her because she was having a busy week was the right thing to do. And it was. At the same time, she had time to get a good deal of thinking done about things and decided that it wouldn’t work out…that she couldn’t give her all into a relationship. It wouldn’t fit.
It’s just that she didn’t tell me this. ‘Til today.
I can’t do anything about this except put my hands in my pocket, shuffle my feet around, look downwards and walk away, right? That’s the bitch of it all. Feeling for someone and not having it work out.
At least I tried for once, yea? So why do I feel so shitty?
No matter. Life goes on. Or it leaves you behind. You choose.
Show and Tell.
I never have time to listen to all the music that I get. I can boast about having almost 11 GB of music (which isn’t much by today’s standards) but most of the albums are taken on a whim, and always neglected. Taking that into consideration, I burn them onto one of my trusty RWs and usually take them in during my walk from the campus back to my car in Bangsar (it’s a good 15 to 20 minute walk).
This album, my friends, is fucking awesome. The Black Crowes + AC/DC, as someone put it. But I’d like to add that it has the voice of a younger, much more aggressive Rob Thomas. Not that it’s Rob Thomas who’s doing the singing.
Word of advice: don’t listen to this standing still. It’s not possible. I might’ve just found a great album to pop in when going on a road trip. Granted, most of these songs will never make it onto Top Gear’s poll of the “greatest driving song ever” in the year 2035 (I can somehow understand how Queen won), but I don’t really care. Listen without prejudice.
As clichéd as it sounds, Silvertide rocks. They really do.
Monkey Politiks.
Previously, on the Ian Tai Show:
My aunt entered the MCA Wanita political wing after lots of publicity over the Malaysia-Singapore CLOB tussle; someone whom the powers-that-be thought to have best represented the modern Chinese Malaysian woman.
Now, my aunt’s put herself up to run for the post of the MCA Wanita’s deputy chairman, since the last woman to have held the post was a martyr of sorts who was promptly suspended. My aunt also hopes to bring “change” to the organization. In her own words, the MCA Wanita heavyweights are over 60 and looking down on everyone.
Her main rival over the post? According to her, it’s none other than Chew Mei Fun, the Wanita MCA chief for the state of Selangor.
Wishful thinking or blind ambition? My aunt calls herself the underdog. Undoubtedly. If she loses, she’s said that she’ll still be herself, whatever that means. I suppose that she’s got nothing to lose. It’s just that the embarrassment that would come out of it is terrifying. A wide margin would only bring an end to her political ambitions; her flame would be prematurely snuffed out…things don’t look very good for my aunt. And she’s bound to become the butt of many, many jokes.
Though some members in the family think that she’s overstayed her welcome, and that her flirtation with politics is bound to come to a crashing end, anyway.
Now, despite my own apprehensions towards my aunt’s behaviour in the past, and the fact that 75% of the time, I don’t like her (the remaining 25%, I’m not around), I’m rooting for her to win, as unlikely as it is. First, she’s family. And secondly, this would be a great time to start building “contacts” and the like. Thirdly, and most importantly, I’m mostly supportive of the underdog. Didn’t you watch Napoleon Dynamite? I’d love to see my aunt come from the back and catch that self-righteous, pompous, old, haggardly, Chinese wonker off her guard and seize the post by the throat.
I know it’s a fat chance of that happening. I know that it’d probably be a no-contest in Chew’s favour. My aunt’s even been dropped from old post due to her desire to grab the limelight.
I wonder what would’ve happened if she’d joined the DAP. At least I would be genuinely rooting for her. Socialists rock, people.The mountain called Monkey has spoken.
another red letter day.
there's got to be some way that i can get in.there's got to be some way that we can begin.so...is there?you don't know.i can't make you.you're not bothered.i'm perturbed.this is life.bah.
Escape from B.A. & Everything After.
Previously, on the Ian Tai Show:
The last time I went to Seremban with Justin, it was in my hunk of junk when it was at its very worst --- no air-conditioning, one headlight working, which proved wonders when you consider that we were driving in the rain, and in the dark. We survived, though it took us 4 hours in what would’ve been an hour’s to 2 hour’s drive. But we survived, nonetheless.
In the early hours of Friday morning, Justin and I took his “Silver Legend” (I don’t know where he comes up with these names) and we proceeded to finish what we’d started a couple of years ago: to find the ever-elusive secret Seremban route. Which wasn’t all that secret, seeing how I knew exactly where it was. But getting there was the hard part. I knew for a fact that the road we needed to get to was in Kajang. However, we were misdirected.
To cut a long story short, if you ever want to get to Kajang for free, don’t bother. It’s a total waste of time, and it only costs RM 0.70 one way if you take the Cheras expressway. And it’s a lot quicker as well.
We got lost on the Putrajaya highway, looking for an exit to Kajang, and took a detoured path through Bangi. It wasn’t very pleasant.
We ended up in Seremban and visited Sazman, who was staying in the very underrated Seri Malaysia Hotel. No dancing girls were brought in or harmed by our presence.
I guess that I got to see more of Seremban than I previously did when I was sending Keong back. Granted, it was at 3 in the morning, but beggars can’t be choosers.
Here’s a note for you: the next time the haze hits KL, run to Seremban. I realized that we never saw how bad it fared on the API, but I guess it wasn’t that bad because the air was (pardon the pun) a breath of fresh air.
I’m an Ephram.
I’ve got no idea which season of Everwood is showing on 8tv now, but I have to say that Dr. Brown’s son reminds me of…me. Someone who totally dives into girls while being totally insecure simultaneously. Men are pussies. I'm being pussy-whipped by someone who isn't doing any whipping of any sorts, who'd probably want me to be a lot more stronger than this if anything ever happened.Feh.
Oh, well…on the bright side, there’s always…
One of the few reality shows that I catch. Honestly. I’ve been downloading and watching it with an unhealthy obsession. It’s good to see rock take the Idol route; each individual performer brings a wealth of experience to the table, as opposed to Idol. And they really can hold their own. Michael Hutchene was Michael Hutchene, and in many ways, he was INXS…but in many ways, he also wasn’t. And it really is a fun show to watch. I mean, look at it this way…we know that they need the publicity.
It’s all good fun.
All Pain is Self-inflicted.
I've got no one but myself to blame for my own myopia.
The Smoke and Mirrors.
H.E. Dr. H. Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono, President of the Republic of Indonesia, spoke on the democratic aspects of building the ASEAN Community and urged “greater participation of the regional peoples in the decisions of ASEAN” as he delivered the 2005 ASEAN Lecture on 8 August 2005 at the ASEAN Secretariat. The ASEAN Lecture was held in conjunction with the commemoration of ASEAN’s 38th Anniversary.
(From the ASEAN Secretariat website).So would they mind if we nuked the Sumatran forests (‘cause although trees are supposed to save us from carbon dioxide poisoning, the monoxide poisoning we’re getting quirkily justifies their destruction)?
Or would Singapore mind if we figured out a way to harness the wind and build a monolithic fan and blew all the haze in their direction (miraculously saving Johor, of course)? [Note: Justin suggested sucking in all the haze and dropping the dust military cargo-style over the island nation].
Some people have said that one reason why Indonesia’s so lax in dealing with the problem is because this is revenge for Malaysia’s actions of deporting Indonesian workers back to their homeland.
Or maybe they're pissed that we're the ASEAN Chair.
But as I sit here in my room, with the pungent odour of smog creeping into my sacred hovel, I don’t really care.
It hurts to breathe. The API Index in Kuala Selangor and Klang has reached 500++. We in KL are a little better off. But still fucked.
Please help us, Mr. Indonesia.
(Why can’t we just nuke the bastards?)
Kredit to the Krazy One.
Thanks to The Mad Doctor for the quick assist; my PC shan’t be blowing up for the next few weeks (fingers crossed and eyes tightly shut).
Just to add on to what’s been mentioned earlier, I’m wondering if the haze can be used as a feasible excuse not to go to college. I mean, if schoolchildren are spared from the dangers of the haze for two days (in effect, their week has been struck out from existence), can’t we have the same luxury? I mean, we’re more important than the kids. Tertiary students are think tanks. Kids are kids. We deserve…no, we demand…haze sick day allowances.
There’s nothing like deaf ears to dump your grouses upon.
Smog, Second Guesses and Sparks (attempt #2)
My desktop just sparked itself to restart. Again.
KL’s fallen prey to Sumatran wildfires. The smog has made a triumphant return, and a few students in college have already reignited the surgeon’s mask-wearing craze that was the hippest fashion trend a couple of years ago. With no end of the haze in sight, this might be a good time to make a smart investment. Or at least one of the few times in your life that you can wear a surgeon’s mask in public…if you’re not a surgeon, of course
The college’s homerooms were mist-filled; the whole college environment feels like Genting (without the ice-cold, fresh air). With the bad air seeping through, it’s not surprising to see that those with sinus problems or asthma are in for a rude awakening. Today’s downpour didn’t make things easier…it did dissipate the smog a good deal, but the visibility was arguably still shitty, and walking back to my car in a dew that wasn’t naturally spawned by post-shower conditions gave me a fright. I breathed that shit in.
Stuff like this should keep us off smoking. Should.
Second Guesses.
Nicole has a major stats test on Friday. I promised her that I wouldn’t bug her ‘til after that, but…I don’t know if it was such a hot idea.
a) it would give her time to ponder my role and she might conclude that I’m not exactly a good thing and that she’s better off alone, and,b) this whole thing was supposed to show that I’m a considerate person who can give priority to her needs…that I’m supposedly one of those guys who know better…but then again, wouldn’t it be wiser to just show that I’m around (granted, sms bombardments aren’t that good an idea when someone’s trying to study, but cut me some slack…I’m trying my best here)?
Granted, I shouldn’t be worried about this because my insecurity can’t get the better of me now…we’re not even a “couple” (sort of/yes/no/whatever). “We” doesn’t exist in this case. At least I don’t think so. Though...I personally believe that it does.
I’m so confused (insert perplexed smile here), but mostly because I drive myself to be this way.
The good thing is, I am bothered, but not to an obsessive level. 10 points!…I’m on the road to a better me.
I suppose.
God, I’m such a tool.
This is attempt #2 for a reason. Attempt #1 was better written, but the desktop power supply is on the fritz and tends to give off sparks, which can be considered to be mini-explosions of mega proportions (the sparks are blinding, mind you). Long hauls, extreme downloading times and perpetual functionality have made it to suffer. I should change it, but of all the stupid things I’ve done so far, this might be the most stupid. The same thing happened a couple of years ago (I have the burnt power supply unit to prove it).
Please don’t blow up now.
a bit too Obsessed Completely.
can't get enough of the o.c.? wear it where you can feel it!
(somtimes) it's meant to be tough.
smart lyrics of the day? check out joe walsh's life is good. brilliance.anyway, things are peachy-keen. the relationship dynamic is puzzling me. i don't know where i stand, but i obviously dig her a lot more than she digs me (life's a bitch that way). but hey, at least i am somewhere with her. lordy. i really do like her, don't i?but in all honesty, i'm trying my best here. this might be a good thing, but i've got to stick around to make sure. it's like what she says...finish what you've started.no doubt (insert your smiley here).(i shan't bitch anymore about not being good enough for the rest of the week...)i'd die for a big gulp right now (the world's most pointless drink, as you can get a bottle of your favourite carbonated beverage for a little more). i could also use a cigarette, but i'm curious to see what happens if i manage not to actually do any for the whole of tomorrow. happy, healthy, holy. magical.
(un)profound thought o' the day.
hoobstank suck.
The Sun and the Smog.
Since Tuesday, the Kuala Lumpur skyline has been alternately haze-skilled and azure; it doesn't seem to be letting up, and today's no exception. My principle is that Sundays are best spent doing nothing in particular, but it's just ruined when the sky's grey, and not from natural causes (though some people might state that the haze is more of the norm than exception these days). But aside from the sky being more scorched than ever, it's been a good week. Wednesday saw me turning 22, and to commemorate it, a cake was brought in during a very, very small BIZ Council meeting. And, on the bright side, no one got doused in the cake, and...uh...it was quite a happy (but quiet) affair.Thursday was blissful. I went to the Planetarium and the National Museum for the first time. More than a decade in this country and I thought that I couldn't be more of a tourist than I already was. The Planetarium was cheap-o...it just reeked of the 80's. It probably could've captured the imagination of children, but...ugh...malfunctioning "Transporter Rooms" and shabby plastic (not to mention dodgy satellite replicas) were a bit of a turn-off. The Museum was better...mainly because it's a museum. Not what you'd call a true natural history museum, but it was more than amusing. (Schmaltz Warning!) The company was good, as well. (End schmaltz)I caught that Romasanta werewolf movie yesterday. Don't watch it, under whatever circumstances. It's long, draggy at times, and...well, European. As in one of those secondary European movies (think of Highlander: Endgame). It's not exactly the Brotherhood of the Wolf (hoot!), so...yes. Sundays at home, and suprisingly, I don't quite mind.
it's all gone horribly wrong.
i don't want to be 22. i want to be 22 next year. not now. there're so many things that i was supposed to have accomplished. which haven't been done.dammit.not now. not now.
The Iceman Cometh.

The Life of a Cow.
Things you didn't want to know and never really wanted to ask about...cows:----------------------Dairy cattle, generally of the species bos taurus.A young dairy animal is known as a calf. A female calf which has not given birth to a calf and is less than thirty months old is called a heifer. When more than seven months pregnant with its first calf, a female heifer is known as a springer. After calving, or when more than thirty months old, a female dairy animal is known as a cow. A male dairy animal is called a bull at any stage of life, unless castrated, in which case he is known as a steer. A dairy animal's mother is known as its dam. Similarly, a dairy animal's father is known as its sire.