Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Keeping the checklists coming.

I'm not a very detail-oriented person; I'm more concerned about the results. Most of the time, I think in terms of how mega something can become, and think of what to do, but not how to get there. Still, a destination is better than no vision whatsoever.

I've been chided in the past for never paying attention to where it mattered the most. Sadly, it's still true of me today; there's always the risk of not caring enough for one thing without diverting my energy to the next temporary obsession. It's not because I've got a boundless supply of enthusiasm for the zest of life; I tend to get bored easily and leave things hanging.

It's quite sad to think of the countless things I've started in the past that I haven't brought closure to.

So today, I'm paying tribute to the million things I'll start in the future that'll never see their deserved conclusions. Which is a tragedy, seeing how the results are all I care about.

I'm such a twat.



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