Wednesday, December 13, 2006

I knead you.

I like inside jokes. I like to be in on something that not more than 3 people would understand. It doesn't matter to me that the world beyond those 3 people would only look on in confusion, or even disgust; there're some things that're just too good to be explained. Likewise, I have this belief that 4 out of 10 people I know would truly understand what I rant about all the time. It's not so much the depth of the rant that would turn people off, as it is the subject matter.

Despite my best efforts, I've never really been able to fit in. Me and those 4 of 10. We don't know who we are in this jostle of a country, and we'll probably never find instant acceptance. Our peers don't really care about what we know. Ditto for the fucking kids whom you'd want to impart knowledge to --- there's no such thing as useless information.

The Rolling Stones are not explicitly a country band, despite having country nuances in their music. Not that they'd know who the Rolling Stones are. The same goes for World War II history, Al Green and Gummie Bears. Ninja Turles? G.I. Joe? There's a specific demographic that would be aware of most of these things: the minority.

I'm not saying that the country is full of simpletons; I'm quite convinced that we're all masters of our respective realms. I'm not saying that I should've been born in a prior era; that would probably have spared me from the debauchery and havoc I enjoy today. I'm just saying that it'd be nice to find more people a little bit like...well, me. If only because it'd be terribly funny, there'd never be a lack of conversation topics and because I'd be able to meet more people to share that ultimate sign of true friendship: the inside joke.


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