Friday, April 13, 2007

I predict a riot!

This whole Don Imus fiasco worries me. The act of censure on the media's part for what he said makes me feel that the world's foremost proponent of free speech is second guessing itself.

I've never listened to his radio show, but I'm guessing that he's a Howard Stern knock-off, only that he's still on the terrestrial airwaves.

I suppose we've all gone liberal and PC to an extent that we can't crack a few jokes without a bunch of placard-wearing, picket-waving feminists blowing hot air up our asses.

And even if he is a bigot, I still believe that he should get a fair chance to say what he wants. People tune in, no? Otherwise, you could simply change the station...or just stop listening completely.

Nobody lightens up anymore.

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